Sunday, March 15, 2009


So, we recently went through a good week or so of Meredith sleeping on the floor. I have no idea why, but she simply would not get in her bed at night. My theory was that as long as she was sleeping, I didn't care where. Then I decided that taking the guard rail off of her twin bed might make her feel like it was a real big girl bed, which actually worked with some prodding for a few nights. Now, she has determined she wants to sleep on her blow up air mattress (we have a toddler size aero-bed). That started the other night when I was too tired to fight (I was really sick this past week) and once again, if she would sleep, fine with me.
Everything is a battle with her. Nothing is easy. I feel like a terrible parent half the time because I 'let' her roll with some of these crazy ideas she has, but if I don't, life would be miserable for us all. Parenting is the hardest job ever.
I thought that maybe just maybe by the time she was 3 I'd be cleaning up less pee and poop. Man, was I wrong. It's actually harder now since it's in underwear and not a diaper that can be thrown away. Heaven help me, this child is pushing me. I mean, she peed on herself twice while we had a playdate at Kelly's house last weekend. I had brought a change of clothes, but still had to borrow some pants from her daughter (thanks Kelly!!). I understand that playing is much more fun than sitting on the pot, but isn't sitting in nasty pants even worse? We've been fully potty training for about 6 weeks and I'm regularly tempted to put her back in diapers. It sure would be easier on me. So, if you just happen to have one of those children who just magically potty trained herself, I don't want to hear about it. It's just one of those days.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Quick Funny

So, I know it's been forever, but just wanted to post something funny that Meredith has been doing.
During the Presidential election, she was educated on who Barack Obama is and pointed to magazines and newspapers with his face on it and proclaimed it was him. I was so proud :)
Well, recently I have noticed that she seems to think that all light skinned, African-American, well-dressed men are our President! We have a reporter for one of the local stations (ABC I think) who does bear a slight resemblance to him and the other night the news was on and she said, "Look Mommy, it's Arack Obama!". She was quite proud and I admitted to her that this man does look quite a bit like the President, but that is not him. There was also a picture of Denzel Washington on the cover of something and she pointed him out as 'Arack' too! I just brushed them off as flukes until yesterday afternoon we were out and she and I were sitting in the car while Chris ran into a store. We were just sitting there and this young black man dressed in a suit walked by (pretty sure he was out of ear shot) and she proudly yells it again! We had a nice little conversation about how the President lives in Washington DC and maybe he will come here sometime, but this man just looks a little like the President!
I'm not sure if I should be proud that she is so excited about the President or a little embarrassed that she is categorizing all of these men as the same person!
I'm just going to get a little chuckle out of my observant child and leave it at that.